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MORA Constitution


The Missouri Racquetball Association (MORA), is a voluntary, not-for-profit association established to develop, promote, and advance racquetball in Missouri in accordance with the rules and regulations of USA Racquetball, in accordance with the rules of clubs hosting sanctioned events, and, in accordance with the by-laws, resolutions and policies the association may adopt.


The association shall have full authority to act upon matters that it deems in the best interests of racquetball in Missouri.







Section 1.1 The name of the association is the Missouri Racquetball Association, Inc.  (MORA)


Section 1.2 The fiscal year of the association begins on the first of August and ends on the 31st of the following July.


Section 1.3 The MORA official logo shall bear the name of the association.


Section 1.4 The post office address of the association’s principal office is 12320 Old Tesson Road, St. Louis, MO 63128 


Section 1.5 The MORA website is





Section 2.1 MORA is formed for, but not limited to, the following purposes:


a)To promote and develop interest and participation in racquetball.


b)To initiate and sponsor racquetball tournaments, championships, clinics and exhibitions according to the rules of MORA and USA Racquetball.


c)To host an annual Missouri State Championship tournament.


d)To encourage and promote the adoption and use of unified national rules.


e)To recognize and create awareness in all racquetball clubs across Missouri.


f)To contract for services, people, material, equipment, and facilities as may be needed.


g)To oversee the MOHSRA and the MOJRA associations.  The MOHSRA & MOJRA will have filed fictitious names and will follow by-laws & constitutions of the MORA.


Section 2.2 Upon cessation or dissolution of the association, the board of directors shall, after paying or asking provision for paying, the liabilities of the association, dispose of all the association assets in such a manner, and under such lawful conditions as prescribed by majority vote of the general membership of the association with the stipulation that such assets be distributed exclusively for the continued promotion, development, and advancement of racquetball. Such assets shall be directed to a charitable group or organization which, at the time, qualifies as an exempt organization.





Section 3.1 Association membership includes all USA Racquetball members who reside in Missouri.


Section 3.2 Registered members are those currently listed on official association records.


Section 3.3 Each member shall pay annual association dues as specified by USAR, the National organization.


Section 3.4 Membership termination shall be by resignation, or non-payment of renewal fees.


Section 3.5 Players must be current USAR members to play in a Missouri sanctioned tournament.





Section 4.1 The MORA board consists of the President and a minimum of four members.  


Section 4.2 It is the responsibility of the MORA board’s officers to fill vacancies on the MORA board.  The President will present new candidates to the MORA board for approval.  The MORA board will approve new members by reaching a consensus.


Section 4.3 Anyone wishing to become a member of the MORA board should inform one of the current MORA board members.  Their name will be put on a list to be considered for the next opening.


Section 4.4 Members wishing to resign should give the board at least 90 days notice.


Section 4.5 The MORA Board is to meet up to four times per year, as needed. 


Section 4.6 A consensus of all MORA Board members shall decide all issues.  An email vote with a 24-hour response time will be used if a consensus isn’t present.


Section 4.7 The bylaws may be amended when necessary by consensus of the MORA Board and will be reviewed every 2 years.


Section 4.8 Officer terms will be for 2 years.  Committee chair terms will be for 1 year.  All terms are renewable consecutively. 





Section 5.1 The association shall be managed by a board of directors.


Section 5.2 The board of directors shall be composed of:


b)Vice President



e)Committee members as needed


Section 5.3 Officer Duties

a) President

   a.The President shall be the executive officer of the corporation, shall have responsibility for the general management of the corporation, and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.  The President shall report to the Board all matters within the President’s knowledge affecting the corporation that should be brought to the attention of the Board.

   b.The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association membership and shall be an exofficio member of any and all operating committees.

   c.The President shall be responsible for the affairs of the Association and shall execute and administer the policies established by the Board of Directors


b) Vice President

   a.The Vice President shall replace the President in all activities in the event that the President can no longer carry out the duties of the office of President


c) Treasurer

   a. The Treasurer shall keep and maintain the financial records of the Association and shall at each meeting of the Board of Directors provide a current report on the financial status of the Association.


d) Secretary

   a. The Secretary will keep records of the proceedings of the meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors.


Section 5.4 The board of directors may authorize qualified persons to enter into contracts on behalf of MORA.


Section 5.5 MORA assets shall not benefit members, directors, officers or other private persons, except that MORA shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered, or authorized expenses disbursed.


Section 5.6 Additional board or committee members can be invited to join as official members.





Section 6.1 MORA adheres to the national rules as adopted by USA Racquetball.


Section 6.2 MORA adheres to the rules of clubs hosting sanctioned events.





Section 7.1 Anti-Discrimination Policy


  • Any Board Member who believes that he/she has been the victim of discrimination, harassment, or offensive communications related to race, creed, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, citizenship status, political affiliation, age, disability, marital status or family responsibility or sexual orientation should report the matter at once to the President. The President will conduct (or have conducted) a prompt investigation of all such complaints, which will be conducted in as confidential a manner as is possible. If the complaint concerns the President, the Board member may contact the Vice President.  There will be no retaliation or reprisal against any Board Member making such report or for filing any discrimination charge with any federal, state, or local agency.


Section 7.2 Sexual Harassment Policy


  • Each Board Member or Officer has a responsibility to maintain an environment free of any form of harassment, including sexual harassment. No Board Member or Board Officer is to threaten or insinuate either explicitly or implicitly, that a Board Member’s refusal to submit to sexual advances will adversely affect his or her position on the Board. In addition, no Officer is to favor in any way a prospective Board Member because that person has performed or shown a willingness to perform sexual favors for the Officer. Other sexually harassing conduct in the workplace, whether by Officers or Board members, is also prohibited. Such conduct includes any abusive or degrading verbal or physical conduct or contact of an offensive nature, and any conduct that has the purpose or effect of interfering with any members work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

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